Sunday, June 20, 2010

Topic Definition Command of TELEMEC DDE Server

When the TELEMEC DDE server starts up, it first attempts to locate its configuration file by checking the WIN.INI file for path that was previously specified. If the path is not present in the WIN.INI file, the server will assume that the current working directory is to be used.

To start the server from an application directory configuration file other than the default configuration file a special switch is used. For example, invoke the File/Run command in File Manager or Program manager and enter the following:
TELEMEC /d:c:\directoryname

The user provides a connected micro PLC with an arbitrary name that is used as the DDE topic for all references to this PLC.
The following steps are taken to define the Topic attached to the PLC:
1. Invoke the Topic Definition…command. The Topic Definition dialog will appear:
Topic Definition
2. To modify existing topic, select the topic name and click on Modify. To define a new topic, click on New. To remove an existing topic, click on Delete. The “TELEMEC Topic Definition” dialog will appear:
TELEMEC Topic Definition
3. Enter the Topic Name, which corresponds, to the DDE Topic Name (The DDE Topic Name is entered in the ”DDE Access Name Definition” dialog box described in the Using the TELEMEC Server with InTouch section).

4. Click on the Com Port button to associate a topic with the communication port. Note: Additional topic may be associated with the same communication port later.

5. Set the Update Interval field to indicate the frequency the items/points on this topic will be read (polled). Default value is 1000 milliseconds.

When all entries have been made, click on OK to process the configuration for this topic.

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