Saturday, February 20, 2010

Automation with Programmable Logic Controllers

Industrial Automation has actually found and used in the industrial world since the industrial revolution hundreds years ago. But it was still using the relays. And now the function of these relays have been replaced by a programmable logic controller or PLC. In the PLC component is consisting of hundreds or even thousands of relays.

There are so many automation system in industry which using PLC programming. Here are some examples of automation with programmable logic controller (PLC)
a. Conveying technology and sequential control in the manufacturing industry.
b. Construction material production.
c. Industrial washing machine.
d. Adjustable moulds for continuous casting.
e. Mill installation
f. Test rigs control.
g. Dosing systems.
h. Transport systems in shipbuilding.

Why do industries implement the automation with PLC ? , Because there are so many benefits to be get with implementation this technology.

Benefits automation with PLC as follows:
1. Shorten the time of project implementation.
2. If necessary modification process, it is easier and cost effective.
3. Project costs can be calculated accurately.
4. Training machining operations is faster.
5. Design process, process changes and additions can be done using software.
6. Extensive control applications.
7. Maintenance is easy because the input and output indicators quickly and easily be known in a system.
8. High reliability.
9. Standard controller device.
10. It is applicable even though in a heavy industrial environment.

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