The first extensions group to RLL that show within the template library are those that are free of the RLL standard rung form. These extensions contain module specifications and data specifications, and they provide information telling
• The all set offered components to put in to the machine;
• The subcomponents types and number, every component is allowable to have;
• The subcomponents types and number, every component is required to have;
• The components order are to be collected (decides the rungs order of the resulting program, although surely, base on the PLC used, a appropriate development environment may be capable to offer a lot of options for the arrangement of the resulting program within the PLC);
• The data to be assigned and applied within the PLC.
The second extensions group is extensions to the instruction set of RLL itself. This group comprises a language of symbolic expression for operands of specifying instruction, macro instructions, and pseudo instructions. Every operand on all instructions are written with a language of symbolic expression in Template Language, involving the operands on instructions in the instruction set of traditional RLL. The language of symbolic expression permits the circuit designer to submit to parameters of machine-specific and to data items identified in other components by their related templates. Reusable logic might comprise any rungs mixture, module specifications, and data definitions. Moreover rungs may contain of any instructions arrangement, both extensions and traditional RLL instructions, as long as the form of the rung itself is a legitimate RLL construction.
Data Specifications
A Data Definition is needed to affirm and keep space for each data table element of PLC types for example: Boolean, analog input, analog output, digital input, digital output, timer, float, counter, and integer. Every definition has a unique name, and each type is shortly planned to a detailed accomplishment on the target PLC. Data Definitions can be mentioned by any RLL instruction type-compatible. A Compiler Attribute has a unique name but consequences in no memory storage of PLC. The specification of attribute involves a short executable script. The script is carried out and has to resolve into a value of Boolean (true or false), a string, a numeric value, or a component in the machine tree at compile time. The effect can next be used within an operand of a compatible RLL instruction. A Compiler List Attribute is similar a Compiler Attribute except for that the execution of its script effects in all items collection of the equal type. This resulting list is subsequently utilized as the list of iteration an OrMacro or an AndMacro macroinstruction.