Friday, April 14, 2017

CENTERLINE 2500 IEC Low Voltage Motor Control Center suitable for the most demanding applications with high requirements

Low Voltage Motor Control Center (MMC) has been used since long time ago by several of automation applications in many industries like automobile manufacturing, commercial applications and other fields. There are numbers of stellar name brands to tell when considering an MMC. The CENTERLINE 2500 IEC introduced by Allen-Bradley slotted in the low voltage MMC range. CENTERLINE 2500 IEC Low Voltage motor control centers designed to meet the most demanding needs in current industries atmosphere by combining a smaller footprint and comprehensive type testing.

Needs of customers are vary and those the CENTERLINE 2500 IEC Low Voltage Motor Control Center (MMC) aimed for global application requirements. This range of MMC provides solutions for more cost-efficient, energy-efficient and space-efficient applications. Furthermore, because of the innovation, this is one of example for a factory-ready solution. Find out the details features and benefit of CENTERLINE 2500 IEC Low Voltage MMC below.

Low Voltage motor control centers
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Features and Benefit of CENTERLINE 2500 IEC Low Voltage Motor Control Center (MMC)

As one of superiority of CENTERLINE 2500 IEC Low Voltage Motor Control Center (MMC) is very customizable suiting to the space availability. It includes flexible design either high density fixed unit or fully withdrawable unit. High density fixed units is suitable when the floor space is very limited. The fully withdrawable unit is good for quick replacement. One benefit that other doesn’t have it is the high unit density that is easy to optimize the column space.

Furthermore, the CENTERLINE 2500 IEC Low Voltage Motor Control Center (MMC) still offers a variety of intelligent motor control for highest options. It also comes with a fully type-tested standard designs that meet to global requirement.

For further requirements, users can obtain the CENTERLINE 2500 IEC Low Voltage Motor Control Center (MMC) with ArcShield or IntelliCenter software technology. Each gives serious benefits for the most advanced system in your manufacturing process.

Benefits of Low Voltage Motor Control Center (MMC) when paired to the ArchShield technology are including:

  1. Provides assembly as well as personnel protection against internal electrical arcing faults
  2. Reduce arch flash hazards
  3. The arc-resistant latches provides protection from pressure relief to keep the door latched during arching fault
  4. Retain arc-containment and enable adequate heat dissipation as benefit of arc-resistant baffles

CENTERLINE 2500 is provides further versatility with the advent of IntelliCENTER software technology with tons of benefits. Some of them including:

  1. Real-time data access to minimize visiting MMC each time through a built-in EtherNet/IP network
  2. Reliable communication through EtherNet/IP and DeviceNet technology
  3. IntelliCENTER software helps minimizing troubleshooting that finally will reduce the downtime
  4. IntelliCENTER is a highly customizable software that lets you make diagnosis, and data analysis in a real time from a monitor display


CENTERLINE 2500 Low Voltage Motor Control Center (MMC) provides huge benefits for global requirements. With the ranges of advanced built-in features, make you possible to create an Intelligent Motor Control, which can help you improve system performance, gain operation efficiencies and make better operating decisions.

Small footprint and highly customizable configuration making the CENTERLINE 2500 low voltage MMC is an ideal pick for various installments in wide array of industries environments. The standardized quality makes it suitable for the most demanding applications with high requirements.


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