Friday, September 29, 2017

Kingstar MachineVision Software; Following and Other Beneficial Information User Need to Know

Empowering and enrichment are the latest idea for today MachineVision industries. That’s why changing and renewing the common idea which follow those common process. On the other hands, there also common MachineVision idea follow the users and operator of industries to accept the realities, that the operational act had to grant the effective and efficient vision for the cost used and other application.

Keep moving are the keys to reach all of those idea, that’s why the industries, on the specific term, people who working on it, just try to found brand new and latest technology, which can grant the standard for the absolute state of the art technology.

On the new era of industries technology, there also an idea of brings a better vision for wide range of solution. The automation MachineVision solution is one of idea where need to support not only for common business or manufacture, but also on medical other development process. Then how to realize this visible idea? The answer are converted the hardware technology with precision software.

Due to that reasons, Kingstar MachineVision comes to the public. This software is capable and interactive for any applications and functions for processing, analysis, annotation, image capturing and other process in common. And here in this article we would go further more with the following information about this software. Just check out later.

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Kingstar MachineVision, Directed Motion and Unique Vision Control Software

For whom which looking kind of motion control software, which designed to increasing productivity, and at the same time reducing the time of process, Kingstar MachineVision software are the suitable idea. This software totally design to developing MachineVision, image analysis or more specific function such as medical imaging software through GigE Vision® also other camera interfaces, this are the right software.

The main MachineVision idea of this software are to empowers engineers to brings vision directed motion apps, with easy and effectively in cost aspect. Many tools are wraps in, for every step of process user wanting for, from prototyping to application feasibility, this are the right software also for development and ultimately development for user purposes.

On the side of features and ability there are so many efforts which can reach in multiple ways, such as;
• Support platforms ranging from smart cameras to HPC cluster via single consistent intuitive API.
• Through support for analog Camera Link®, CoaXPress®, DVI-D, Camera Link HS and GigE Vision®, this software is design to obtain live images.
• For users who need flexibility in maintain process, this software are comes with several optional platform such as; Windows 10 IoT, RTX64 (RTOS) support or 64-bit Windows 7+, each are depend on what user wanting for.
• Best and suitable programming know-how with the support of C, C++ and C# languages.
• This also harness for today’s full power hardware which can optimized through multi-core CPU, GPU and FPGA technologies, also multi-CPU, and SIMD exploiting.

Each of those great features from this Kingstar MachineVision totally prepared for gaining the best issue of cost-effective MachineVision. It was totally real idea which can be grant with directed motion-positioning with the Matrox Imaging Library.


Kingstar MachineVision are kind of software which design and created to replace the highly and expensive hardware to decreasing the operational cost. There are several great features which also comes together and belonging with this great software, all to grant single vision of user benefits.


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