Monday, September 18, 2017

Replace Old-School Way in Industrial Process; KINGSTAR SoftPLC, What You Can Do Through the Features

What the SoftPLC industries need today are some kind of better ideas of working process. Than that’s why it was totally common to see there are many upgrading and updating are happen through many for many utilities.

From the SoftPLC control process to the better ideas of mechanical and maintenance on many aspect, the face of industries are comes in double edge idea. That’s why, the common utilities are also need to faced out with those realities, for example how the controlling process are can be happen out, through the common industrial PC.

The automation systems are comes for the solution for the industries to gain what they need to do. But at the same time, there a costly SoftPLC process where upgrading need to do. How it can be? Just imagine how much the manufacture had to face out, if they wanting for upgrade they old-school control with the latest technology of PLC?

So it was the rising time of soft engineering are comes, and KINGSTAR SoftPLC comes to face out, the era where the industries need no more to upgrade the hardware and software at the same time. Just imagine where a single software can provides a fully featured of integrated PLC based within an open RTOS accessible. A new vision of motion control and machine vision through rich used interface for C++ SoftPLC programmers and other user which only do the non developers a like. Check it more through this article.

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Say Goodbye to Hardener Idea of Software and Hardware PLC Operating, See New Era of Better Changing on the Industrial Software Package through KINGSTAR SoftPLC

By using the PLC hardware what user want are to bring a PLC controller environment for they workshop. And KINGSTAR SoftPLC realized SoftPLC to bring all-in-one industrial PLC software. User can choose all of KINGSTAR’s components as well as the plug and play function for any platform that already taken operated. So here is what user can do through this software.
• Gain the benefits of C++ without faced out the complexity
• Determinism and performance for any of the user wanting for increase to 125 microseconds
• So at the time user need to gain the market, it can be done fast and effectively, all in consolidated and affordable control software
• Dispatches tasks to operations multitude function also change it become a state machine
• Change the common industrial PC to working as serve the traffic cop or hub-and-spoke, which can also had actions/function blocks (FB)

Those are the main idea of using the KINGSTAR softPLC, there also users can gain a single vision of use common industrial PLC with common platform as a PLC. Otherwise, the conventional Windows PC can be turn into a visualization unit, or an industrial operational controller. Does that sound good?


KINGSTAR SoftPLC are kind of invention-able software which can be used to turn common industrial PC to working just like an industrial PLC. As long as the system requirement and specifications aspect of users industrial PC can supported, user can used they common PC to be a great PLC controller in single shoot.


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