Thursday, April 14, 2011


The GE Fanuc SNP Communications Reference covers the following:
• supported GE Fanuc PLC registers
• supported SOI-120 and SOI-260 screen types and parameters
• GE Fanuc-specific configuration parameters

Supported Data Formats
The data format selected for a particular programmable controller memory location must reflect the correct format for the data actually stored in that location. This is the only way you can ensure that correct, consistent information is displayed on the SOI-120 or SOI-260. For instance, selecting a 16-Bit Hex format for one location will display data in one way. Selecting a 16-Bit Signed Integer format for the same location will display the data in another way. It is critical to understand each data format and its characteristics.

The programmable controller saves a binary (0 or 1) status for a bit location. The SOI will read a programmable controller bit location and determine whether the operational status of the bit is ON (1) or OFF (0). You can create the text to be displayed on the screen of the SOI-120 or SOI-260 for either state of a specified bit. This text can be up to twenty characters.

For instance, the OFF (0) state of a bit might display “Pump is OFF,” and the ON (1) state “Pump is ON.” SOI-SPS allocates enough screen characters for the longest of the two text strings. In this example, 12 characters would be allocated to display “Pump is OFF.” The fewer characters used, the less memory is required. In the example above, displaying "OFF" (given the appropriate context) conveys the same information in 3 characters as "Pump is OFF" does with 11 characters.

16-Bit Signed Integer
This data type displays a 16-bit register as a signed Integer (two’s complement) value. The register of the 16th bit is the sign bit and is set (1) for a negative and cleared (0) for a positive number. The 16-bit signed integer values have a range of -32768 to +32767.
This data format might be scaled within the SOI-120 or SOI-260 to different engineering units.

16-Bit Unsigned Integer
This format data displays a 16-bit register as an Unsigned Integer value. It shows a positive number by using the 16th bit as a data bit rather than a sign bit. The values of 16-bit Unsigned Integer have a range of 0 to +65,535.


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