“Program Editing,” describes how to create and edit programs. The basic elements of a program are displayed when the programming screen is first selected. Editing functions include rung insert/edit, select, cut, delete, paste, include, and write. In addition, search and go to functions allow you to position the cursor on a particular rung or element. An optional feature of the search function is the replacement of the search target with a user-specified element and/or reference address. “Program Annotation,” describes how annotation can be added to a program to make the program easier to read and understand. Three types of annotation (nicknames, reference descriptions, and rung comments) are supported by Logicmaster 90-70 software.
Displaying Tables of Reference Values
“Reference Tables,” explains how to use the reference tables feature to display the current values of program references. If the programmer is connected to a PLC and in ONLINE or MONITOR mode, the values shown in the table are from the PLC. In OFFLINE mode, they are from the current folder. There are separate tables for each type of program reference; for example, all discrete inputs (%I), all discrete outputs (%Q), and all registers (%R). In addition, there are 99 user-defined tables called mixed reference tables. The format of individual items or an entire reference table can easily be changed to units that are suitable to your application. You can also return a standard reference table to its default format and fill the table locations with zero.
Starting/Stopping PLC Execution
PLC program execution is started or stopped from the Run/Stop PLC screen, or by pressing ALT-R from any screen.
Fault Display and Clearing
When the programmer computer is monitoring an operating PLC system, any faults that have occurred are displayed in one of two fault tables. PLC faults are listed in the PLC fault table. Faults from the I/O system are listed in the I/O fault table. All faults are identified by time, date, and location. Additional information about each fault can be displayed by positioning the cursor on the fault in the fault table and pressing the Zoom (F10) softkey. Faults can be cleared from the fault table displays.