To Prepare the Files for Conversion
It is essential that files to be translated first be confirmed in the TOPDOC PLC-2. Only for the file that already verified, does it become a nominee for conversion. Before running the utility of conversion, a present cross reference file has to exist for the program of PLC-2. If the fractious reference information is outdated, the utility of conversion will request you to operate the cross reference first.
The program will quick for the PLC-2 program name which is to be transformed. Click the suitable
I/O Rack Relocation
One of the intrinsic divergences between the SoftPLC and PLC-2 is the system utilized to number the racks. The SoftPLC has a rack 0 and PLC-2 does not. The rack numbering system of PLC-2 may have to be adapted to properly reposition all of the pertinent data. Three rack relocation options when converting a PLC-2 program will be given:
1) Plan the highest numbered rack in the program of PLC-2 into the SoftPLC's rack 0.
2) Move all I/O racks down by one (i.e. Rack 2 = Rack 1, Rack 1 = Rack 0).
3) Run off all existing addressing alone.
The below figure shows the two options that may be utilized to reconfigure the system of numbering on the PLC-2.
After you create the selection, the process of conversion starts automatically.
Program Conversion
The conversion is completed in three passes. The first pass does block transfers, the second pass transfer information of data table, and the third pass carries out the actual translations of rung. A window will be showed which includes information about the translation status while the conversion is in process. The current stage and the percent finished will be specified. The display window will specify the number of rung comments which were translated when the conversion is finished, alongside with a message indicating that the translation was finished successfully.
If an error is sensed in the program of PLC-2 during translation, a message will show in the window representing that the process was closed, where the problem was faced, and where to search help. The conversion process interruption because of program error will not damage the program file of PLC-2.