Using GP-Pro with a GP70 series or GP77R series as a Modbus master (RTU) connected to multiple Automation Direct DL06 slaves. No communication instructions in ladder are needed. This application note is not intended for GP2000 series units. Caution: this solution uses a driver that is no an official release and has not been fully tested.
The solution is to install additional driver files in the GP-Pro Software for Modbus master. Testing was done using GP-Pro V6 with the following limited support driver.
Driver: Modbus Master RTU 1:32 OR (v3.50e).
PLC 32 Modbus RTU Slaves (Holding register).
Software requirements: GP-Pro v3.0 or newer.
Driver updates instruction:
• Copy the Modicon.apn, Modicon.epn and Modicon.hpn files into the [ProPBWin] “\Protocol” directory.
• Copy the Modicon.tbl file into the [ProPBWin] “\PlcTbl” directory.
The GP-Pro Modbus driver will only address complete words. The driver does not have the ability to read and write bits. To translate the address from the DL06 PLC to GP-Pro Modbus Master Driver refer to following table:
The PLC Program Address is the address as it appears in the PLC program.
The PLC Memory map Address is derived from the table gives PLC system V memory equivalents of other types of registers.