Are you curious for knowing the difference between PLC and computer (PC)? Now you’re hoped to see clearer about their detailed explanation for each digital computer. Basically, the differences among both Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and Personal Computer (PC) are relied on their applications. Somehow, they have their own functions to the users while in the same time they have different level of users. The more information about PLC and PC will guide you to better understanding and you won’t be confused anymore of their differences. Most people have their or PC while PLC is mostly used by industrial and machineries companies. Therefore, both items have their own purposes for assisting people’s activities. Reading these explanations, you’re pleased to understand completely about the difference between PLC and computer (PC).
Difference between PLC and Computer in their processors
When someone’s asking you about the difference between PLC and computer (PC), you’ve to understand more that PLC and PC is designed for different purposes. PLC is using microcontroller and it’s initially designed for machineries and industrial companies as well as one of essential automated equipment for assisting process in larger activities technically. This PLC is completed by single chip of its controller and provided by both digital and analog I/Os. Therefore, PLC is somehow stronger than PC for its ability to do heavy things. In some extent, PC is designed for personal activities and doesn’t related to heavy industrial things so it’s merely owned by microprocessor that consist of RAM, CPU, as well as EPROM. That’s why PC is only running OS (Operating System). Another difference between PLC and computer (PC) is about PLC’s ability to work around its clock while in the same time it has minimum downtime. Because of its microcontroller, PLC’ program applies ladder logic while PC doesn’t. PC isn’t also running in loop which enable the program is executing from first to last ways. Through those specific applications, it can be understood better about the difference between PLC and computer (PC).
Difference between PLC and Computer for their functions
Difference between PLC and computer (PC) obviously creates different functions for each application. Meaning to say, both PLC and PC have their own roles for people’s activities. PLC is mostly used for industrial companies which require the users to create their own application. Besides, PLC is also using multi axis and communicating while PC isn’t. PC is usually applied for people who wish to have computer access of personal activities. The more you understand about both functions, the more advance you can summarize difference between PLC and computer (PC).
PLC Computers
PLC Computers